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You now KNOW The KEY To Getting LONG 
LASTING Weight Loss Results FASTER... Without Sacrificing your social life...
What I Want To Do For You Now Is To Keep The Experience Going...

Watch This Short 45 Second Video That Comes With The Book
Watch Video Above Before Scrolling
The 4-Week Results Based Camp Is The Program That Will 
HELP YOU Permanently Transform your body with ZERO food restrictions or life changes!
Once You Join The 4-Week Camp Here Is What What Will Happen:
- You will have effortless time with dieting, because you will eat pretty much anything you want...

- You will literally CRAVE Training, because of the Rapid Results you are seeing... 

- You will tap into hidden sources of willpower as we will shift your mindset...

 - You will get a bank of motivation that will be there exactly when you need it...

-  You will permanently drop all the extra fat you are carrying and never gain it back ever again... 

 - You will have the energy levels of a 4-year old on a sugar high...

 - You will scratch off the "I can't" of your dictionary and finally see what's possible for you...

 - You will be breathing confidence and everyone around you will sense it...

 - You will look at yourself in the mirror and finally be happy with how you look and feel...
Hall of Fame
Bret was one of the first to be a part of my program working 60 hours each week and needing a time efficient solution to fit his schedule. Each 20 minute during these 4 weeks helped him to make his desired physical changes within weeks!
Trisha was a long time client of mine and after moving away for work and becoming to busy to work out, she gave my 4 week program a shot and dropped 10lbs along with 3 inches in her waist!
Jean was an absolute blast within the 4 week Facebook group and was full of humor! Not only that, but she's 55 years old and made one heck of a transformation during our 4 weeks together!
We Will Also Cover The 3 Pillars Responsible For ALL Your Results
Rewire Your Brain
Shift Your Mindset for Transformation.
If you are not in the right frame of mind you can't make a change.

We will re-wire your brain in a way where you will feel constant motivation and desire to pursue your goals and dreams.
Hack Your Nutrition
Smart Nutrition Approach For Optimal Results. 
No more guessing. You will know exactly what you should eat.

I will also show you exactly how much to eat for your desired results and goals - invaluable knowledge you can use for the rest of your life.
Accountability Group
A Group Of People Going Through The Same Journey.
The truth is, trying to make a big change like this by yourself is TOUGH. Incredibly tough.

You will have a direct access to me over the 4 Weeks, and I will personally make sure you reach your goals!
What You Get As Soon As You Join The 4-Week Camp
1. Questionnaire sent to you so I can better understand your body.
2. Made for you nutrition plan based off the above for maximal 4 week fat loss.
3. Daily workout videos done by me with breakdown and form execution.
4. Interactive Private Facebook group with other 4 week fat loss seekers.
5. Daily tips, motivation, and questions to keep our group lively and interactive.
6. Most important of all.. RESULTS from the most proven fat loss methods to date!
FROM: The desk of Tyler Kelly

Dear fitness seeker,

I know making a major change in your lifestyle can be a scary thing. Improving your health and fitness is not an easy task.

You have tons of questions, you don't know whether what you are doing is working or not. You need someone to answer those questions every step of the way. Someone to hold you accountable. You know, give you that extra little boost, when you simply don't feel like it.

There will be days where you will want to give up and go back to your old habits but don't you worry. This isn't happening. Not under my watch. You'll get my full attention and support so you can confidently achieve a long-lasting change in your body composition and overall well being.

Yours truly!

Tyler Kelly

Founder of "Logical-Lifting" and "The 4-Week Results Based Camp!"  
How The "4-Week Results Based Camp" Is Different From Any Fitness & Training Program Out There?
So many fitness experts and their "programs" fail to consider the human element.

They treat us like robotic, mechanistic beings...

With ambitions that could fit neatly into a box.

Plus habits and routines that should somehow magically be permanently programmed and ingrained in our brains.

Those systems and programs aren't build upon the fundamental human principles.

They're built upon ideals.

And when we inevitably fail to follow the "system" or "program" (which we're not wired to follow to start with)... we immediately put the blame on ourselves.

Doubting our efforts and commitment instead of pointing the finger at the broken model we were trying to squeeze ourselves into.

It happens in the real world.

And the reason the success rate of the "4-Week Results Based Camp" is so damn high, is because it appreciates your nuances and takes into account the complexities of trying to get in shape in 2018.

It understands that we screw up now and then...

And it has the built in mechanisms and strategies for reflection and correction so that the occasional business trip, vacation, skipped workout or inability to eat healthy for certain periods of time never blow you too far off track.

Flexibility and adaptability are BUILT into the program.

So that you can get in great shape, living healthy, without having to sever any of the life's "inconveniences".

Living in the 21st century is incredible, yet tough experience. It’s not the money, or the knowledge or the information that is scarce but our time. It’s very LIMITED.

And despite that we know what we should be doing to improve our health and fitness it seems like 24 hours are never enough to find time for ourselves.

Unless you are a college student the chances of having FREE time at your expense are very slim.

That’s why, the "4-Week Results Based Camp", takes into consideration the fast-paced world we live in, and welcomes the minimum viable effort principles.

Do just as little as it takes to get results. 

NO more hours on the treadmill, NO more 6 days a week of training. The program also waves goodbye, to eating every 2-3 hours approach, that is so 90s anyway. The principles I teach with the program work flawlessly whether you like to eat 2 or 6 times a day.

When you invest these few precious hours a week to take care of your health and body, you will get a return on your efforts back in “gold”.

You will have more energy and be more productive. Your mind will be sharper and you will tackle your goals with a focus you’ve never had before.
You'll be exposed to strategies that can be tailored to fit your lifestyle, NOT the other way around.
1. Questionnaire sent to you so I can better understand your body.
2. Made for you nutrition plan based off the above for maximal 4 week fat loss.
3. Daily workout videos done by me with breakdown and form execution.
4. Interactive Private Facebook group with other 4 week fat loss seekers.
5. Daily tips, motivation, and questions to keep our group lively and interactive.
6. Most important of all.. RESULTS from the most proven fat loss methods to date!
Worth 599$ - For 599$ FREE
Bonus #1: The special guide "Get ready for an event in 2 weeks"
You will learn how to:

Get in shape for an upcoming event in the fastest possible timeframe.

A food list with everything that you can eat.

How to strategically the nutrition with H.I.I.T for maximizing the results.

The science between High-Protein diet and why it works like magic.

How to calculate how much your body burns a day to ensure you are eating the right amount of food.
Bonus #2: "The Muscle Building Secrets" Manual
You will learn:
Why muscle building is important?

What are the advantages of having more muscle mass?

3 things that you are doing which STOP your progress.

The "magic" of working out 3 times a week and why it works...

What's RPT and how it will be the solution to all your muscle problems...

Plus a SPECIAL strategy for combining RPT with technique for developing stubborn body parts.
Bonus #3: The comprehensive guide "Fat torching cardio"
You will get answers to all of those questions:
What is Cardio?

Why it is important?

What you should know about cardio? (Mode, Frequency, Intensity, Duration)

What is H.I.I.T.? (High Intensity Interval Training)

How to add H.I.I.T. to your workouts to burn body fat on demand.

A 4 minute intense pyramid routine that burns fat like crazy.

Little known trick for maximum fat burn.

How to customize H.I.I.T. to your goals.

And many, many more...
Bonus #4: "The 4-Week Results Based Camp" Weight Loss Tracker
A simple, but powerful tool that allows you to measure your progress and set time-bound goals for yourself and easily track the outcome.

NO more guesswork in our approach.

Setting realistic expectations is the key to our success and the tracker allows us to that extremely easy.
Bonus #5: "The 4-Week Results Based Camp" Fitness Tracker
You will get a way to track:
What are the strength goals that you have to set for yourself to ensure you are reaching out to your full potential?

The Ideal Measurements for a Good Looking Physique.

A tool that allows you to easily calculate how many calories your body is burning a day and also give your macronutrient split of what you should be consuming daily.

A measurement log tab, where you can track the progress of all your lifts.
You will also get my full support!
If you have questions or concerns about the program please contact me!
You Are Also Covered By My Results Backed Guarantee...
If you join the "4-Week Results Based Camp" and you start implementing what I teach, but for whatever reason you feel like you are NOT taking major strides towards achieving life-changing results in your health and fitness, let me know within 7 days and I'll return every dime of your investment.
Are the results you‘ve gotten on your own worth all your effort? Don’t you think you deserve better?

Do you have the time or the energy to find what is working on your own?

Or your time is better spent focusing on the things that really matter, thriving in life and spending time with your loved ones.

You probably tried getting in shape but the information out there preaches completely different approaches that are not applicable to your situation.

“Workout 5-6 times a week.”,“Eat 5-6 small meals a day.”, “Sleep 7-8 hours a night.”.

But both you and I know that these plans are not sustainable and the results are not going to come.

All that effort is a complete waste of time.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

What you are missing is a framework to stick to, proven to work plan that fits your schedule not the other way around.


To apply this principle, your focus should be on that “20%” that are most beneficial and ELIMINATE the rest. This will tighten up your workouts without detracting from their effectiveness.

Makes sense, doesn’t it?

But why you keep doing the same mistakes?

Join me for the "4-Week Results Based Camp" and I promise you, that you will completely transform your life and body! You will also break from the chains of plain, bland dieting and countless of hours spent in the gym with no results to show for.

See you on the inside,

Tyler Kelly
Creator of the "4-Week Results Based Camp"
This program is targeted at busy people who are after the lean, athletic physique.

It’s the same approach I used for myself and coached to hundreds of people.

This isn’t generic fitness advice you’ll find in a typical “Muscle and Fitness” magazine.

This program uses an innovative approach to getting a fit looking body…without ever having to bulk up and feel uncomfortable 6 months of the year.
Logical-Lifting - Copyright 2018